The smell of fresh brewed coffee is a sure guarantee to bring people out of their separate
spaces and into a common space to chit-chat and enjoy each other's company. Likewise, our
family enjoys having our cups of coffee while conversing on various topics from reminiscing about
our childhood, discussing current events to planning our future projects together.


The wife had extensive experience working as a barista at a local craft coffee shop and that’s where everything
started. She was always tasting different types of coffee beans while trying to get that “perfect shot of espresso” that always felt like it's missing something. She decided to invest time researching coffee beans “from A to Z”.


Having dedicated 100s of hours into mastering brewing techniques, preparing drinks, pulling shots,
weighing coffee grams, weighing milliliters of water, our interest started to pivot to how we could
influence the roast. How can we not only influence how the coffee is prepared but more
fundamentally how the coffee is roasted to optimize its unique flavor profiles...


Roasting coffee largely remained an interest until mid-2023. After much thought and consideration,
we decided to go all-in and follow our passion for coffee and the enjoyment of connecting with
others through coffee.
By becoming coffee roasters, we developed a state of the art coffee roasting techniques and expert instincts to preserve the beloved ritual of coffee drinking while creating opportunities for people to meet up with family & friends to hangout for a while and sip on a great cup of coffee, or two!


Looking forward to serving you!


The Bonjour Coffee team

Coffee as it should be!